TOEFL Vocabulary | bland

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Jan 21, 2025
TOEFL Vocabulary | bland

Bland(adjective) - Definition and TOEFL Usage:

bland (blænd) adj. [bland·er, bland·est]
  1. [adjective]
    1. Lacking strong features or characteristics; dull and uninteresting
    2. "The restaurant served bland, uninspiring food."
    3. Mild or gentle, inoffensive
    4. "He maintained a bland expression throughout the meeting."
  1. [adjective] Without any particular taste or exciting qualities
    1. "The hospital food was completely bland and tasteless."
    2. "His bland personality made him forgettable at parties."

Usage Notes:

  • Can describe food, personality, style, or character
  • Often used in negative contexts
  • Sometimes used diplomatically to describe something unoffensive Origin: From Latin 'blandus' meaning 'smooth, mild, flattering' First known use: 15th century


  • The movie was criticized for its bland plot and characters.
  • She found the new furniture too bland for her colorful apartment.
  • The candidate gave bland answers to all the interview questions.
  • Most people found the soup too bland and added more seasoning.
  • His bland response failed to address the controversy.
  • blandness (noun)
  • blandly (adverb)
  • bland-looking (adjective)


  • tasteless
  • dull
  • insipid
  • flavorless
  • unexciting

Learning Through Stories

Emma worked at a bland office where every day felt the same. Gray cubicles, white walls, and quiet conversations created a monotonous atmosphere. One day, she started bringing homemade cookies with unique flavors to share. Her colorful treats became famous, and soon others joined in, sharing their own specialties. The once bland workplace transformed into a vibrant community where people looked forward to daily surprises and conversations.
Chef David was known for making bland dishes at his small café. After traveling to Thailand, he discovered the excitement of combining different spices and flavors. Inspired, he returned home and completely transformed his menu. His formerly bland recipes came alive with new seasonings and creative combinations. Customers who once found his food unremarkable now praised its distinctive character, proving that even the most bland beginnings can lead to flavorful successes.
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